Wisconsin Silver marten RBA - Double Open & Youth Specialty Show: Hallmark Holland Lop Country Club - Open & Youth Specialty Show: Rabbit Renagades RBA - Double Open & Youth All Breed Show. ARBA Rabbit Show - Attica Independent Fair ARBA Rabbit Show Add to Calendar When: August 9, 2022 @ 7:00 pm Where: Jr. Fair Show Arena Jr. Fair Animals For more information contact the ARBA directly, they run the show. (D) An official protest must be submitted in writing to the show superintendent with a $50.00 protest fee. California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona shows: Since we have our own trailers, on a space-limited basis, factory preassembly is available for a nominal charge if specified when adding to cart. Rabbit fur and wool classes (A) Fur and wool classes to be as specified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection. (A) A licensed ARBA judge will be permitted to give credit to only one applicant working for a license in each show. COUNTY AND STATE FAIR SHOWS AND AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITIONS (8x12). SHOWROOM EQUIPMENT/SCHEDULING WEEK FORTY SEVEN (B) All official show records must be retained by the show sponsor for at least one (1) year. The ARBA is an organization dedicated to the promotion, development and improvement of the domestic rabbit and cavy. SECTION 26. 2022 ARBA Convention. ARBA District 8 Indiana ARBA Show Schedule Show Officials - Send us your show flyer! Chartered clubs must accept all breeds, which are recognized in the ARBA Standard of Perfection, except, however, National, State, and Local Specialty Clubs, must accept only the breed(s) they sponsor (Angoras and Lops on all sponsored breeds, and cavies covering themselves). SECTION 29. To get the most up to date information, please check the ARBA website. No other multiple class combinations are allowed for rabbits. The name(s) of each exhibitor shall be placed on exhibition coop cards at all ARBA shows. No ARBA judge shall be allowed to judge any show if his/her license is expired, suspended, or expelled. For 45 years, KW Cages has led the way in providing the latest in advanced design and USA-made quality. We have many people who assisted in hosting the '05, '11, '13, '17, and '21 ARBA Conventions in our core group. Place your order for FREE delivery at the show!*. SECTION 21. An exhibitor in violation of this rule will have their animal disqualified, and the remainder of their entry may be disqualified from competition and not be judged. (H) The publishing of information concerning the next ARBA National Convention is not required, but is encouraged. SECTION 41. information A violation of these official show rules and regulations shall be referred to the ARBA Board of Directors for interpretation. Breed: Lionheads. The catalog should supply as much information as possible and must be available at least 14 days prior to the show date. Other multiple class showings are allowed as follows: 1) Pre-junior or junior (not both), single fryer, meat pen. Fur or wool, which includes the texture, length and density. Fair shows are exempt from the ARBA Show Rules in the following instances only: (A) Fairs may limit their entries with respect to the number of animals and/or the region or county of exhibitor residence, and/or 4-H, FFA, or Grange membership. The catalog should supply as much information as possible and must be available at least 14 days prior to the show date. KW Cages is not responsible for any such changes. Rules/requirements for Scholarship Award eligibility are printed in the first and second quarter TRBA Newsletter or may be obtained from the TRBA Secretary. SECTION 7. Sable Marten SR Doe Glenn Monroe [IN] Best Opposite. If you are considering a rabbit as a pet, Lana Westerfield, says there are things to keep in mind. (8x16), 24 x 16 x 12 Transport Cage, 4 Comps. SECTION 27. The Texas Rabbit Breeders Association is proud of our state and the many members who are dedicated to the support of their Organization. Placement of the animal at that time shall be at the discretion of the judge. Specific disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the ARBA Standard of Perfection. Please contact the show sponsor for exact hours and location. After adding items to your cart, click on "View Cart" or "View All" in cart, Click on "Estimate" to see a list of shows to choose from. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If you wish to participate in the sweepstakes contests, be sure to enter every show under the name exactly as you joined TRBA. (A) All open breed judging must be completed prior to selection of open Best In Show. Cages Delivered Knocked Down, Ready to Assemble:Order early for best selection and to ensure factory has enough time to build your order. 8 or more entries in a show will be $3.50 / entry for that show. Edition Number 100 . 1) The term entry fee refers to money or other agreed upon consideration an exhibitor pays a show sponsor when entering their rabbit/cavy in an ARBA sanctioned show. *We pay shipping (up to first $1,000 in freight). is located in Manalapan, New Jerseyfor additional information NO HANGES for SHOW A. SECTION 34: An exhibitor shall not be allowed to show rabbits or cavies under a judge that is an immediate family member. A host club must refuse entries from exhibitors placing an entry from all locations within 25 miles, which had a confirmed outbreak of RCV/RHD/VHD in wild / feral rabbits within the past 30 days of the entry deadline. All ARBA licensed rabbit judges shall award Best of Breed, Best Opposite Sex of Breed, Best of Group, Best Opposite Sex of Group, Best of Variety, and Best Opposite Sex of Variety, when applicable. Ear # Change $2.00/per rabbit. $50.00. 800-447-CAGE It is located in Ohio and specializes in quality Holland Lops. If an Open and Youth sanction are applied for at the same time, the fee shall be $40.00 for each Open/Youth combination. 2018 ARBA Convention. Follow us on Twitter or become our Facebook friend. SECTION 45. A $10 shipping surcharge will be added to rolls of wire and bagged feed. No cavy may be exhibited in more than one class in the same show. Write your name on the bottom of the TRBA membership application to receive credit. Any ARBA member working for a Registrar or Judges license must first secure permission from the show superintendent of the show they want to work. For credit, all judges and registrars must be present for both open and closing roll calls ends at 4:00 PM. Any change of the date or location (city) of the approved show will require a fee of $12.50 for each open show and $10.00 for each youth show. (1) Such exhibits will not compete for sweepstake points or other awards. It will be the responsibility of the owner(s) and Show Committee to not submit or accept an entry in family or rabbitry names. 619-596-4000 Facebook: Lil Lofty Lions LLL Rabbitry. We would like to thank the ARBA board for allowing us this opportunity. Rabbit and cavy points may not be combined in total for this award. 3) The entry fee entitles the exhibitor the privilege of cooping a valid entry when coops, feed cups, feed, and/or bedding are provided by the show sponsor. 2022-2023 State Show & Convention Date: September 23-24, 2023 Host Club: Rochester Area Rabbit Club Place: Owatonna, MN Address: TBA 100th ARBA Convention and Show RACING TO HISTORY 1923 - 2023 Date: October 7-11, 2023 Place: Louisville, Kentucky *Note: Also hosting the 2024 Convention SECTION 59. All images and articles must recieve written permission for usage. ARBA NATIONAL CONVENTION Oct 30-Nov 2, 2022. call 303-868-5718 or email This statement shall permit said animal to be registered, not shown, providing the animal passes all registration requirements except the injury or injuries received in the show, and is registered within six (6) months of the date the document was issued. SECTION 30. Local and regional clubs sponsoring all breed shows are encouraged to sanction their shows with the WSRBA. With almost 20,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one animal to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred. Copyright 2021 - American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. | PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400 | Ph: 814.797.4129 | All Rights Reserved. For additional The prior placement of the departed animal shall not be considered when picking the next higher award. robert@arba.org, WEEK THIRTY TWO ADRC Dutch Auction. Rabbit Renagades RBA - Open & Youth Specialty Shows: Rabbit Renagades RBA - OpenSpecialty Shows: Rabbit Renagades RBA - Triple Open & Youth All Breed Show, Central Indianas Rabbit Club - Quad Open & Triple Youth, Copyright 2017, Vision Design - graphic zoo. A show is considered completed upon selection of Best In Show. Ad rates are listed in the newsletter. Whether you are new to this wonderful breed or a long time enthusiast, please spend a few minutes looking around to learn more about these remarkable animals. These show rules are official and the sole property of the American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. (ARBA). 3) Roaster, junior. Contest winners will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Fees for all sanction requests received at least 30 days prior to but no more than 2 years in advance of the requested date(s) of the show(s) shall be: $25.00 for each adult open show and $20.00 for each youth show. Convention Pictures. Polyethylene Film / PE Sheet ARBA members may exhibit in all classes provided by county and state fairs. With over 23,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred animals. You can trust that KW will only sell relevant products that are time proven. There are numerous benefits to you for joining ARBA, including a copy of theOfficial Guidebook To Raising Better Rabbits & Cavies(free with the initial membership), a subscription toDomestic Rabbits magazine, Registration, Grand Champion certification and other privileges. information Shows MUST first be sanctioned with the ARBA PRIOR to getting a sanction from the ADRC. $30.00. This show A rabbit may be shown in the appropriate showroom class, the breed fur/wool class, and the commercial normal fur class (if normal fur), in the same show. (C) An official protest may be submitted if: (1) Alleged fraudulent practices on the part of any judge. Youth Class Winners. We also have a list of winners at each TRBA sanctioned show. Charlerol PA 15022 - 878-645-1846 ~ zcharmed@msn.com, Ruby Rezac - 47210 94th Street Sioux Falls, SD. This show report must show the name of the sponsoring club, date of the show, the entry number if applicable, class and number in class, placement, the breed and variety, winnings, if any, and name of the show secretary. The following must be printed in the show catalog: SECTION 15. This group is not a for sale group. Except for most transport cages, all cages are shipped to the show knocked down ready to assemble. No show sanction shall be granted if the request is received less than 15 days prior to the show date requested. The American Rabbit Breeders Association, or ARBA, is holding its annual convention in Reno, and its considered the most prestigious rabbit convention out there. Chesnut SR Buck Cole Simons & Scotty Stromley [MN] Best Junior AvailableWEEK FIFTY Any person under suspension or expelled by the ARBA cannot enter, or exhibit stock, compete for awards or prizes, or act as a judge, show official, or in any capacity whatsoever. Bergstrom Bunnies Holland Lop. Kaitlyn Battson Best in Show Youth 2022 ARBA Convention. Each aspect of the rabbit and cavy industry whether it be fancy (for exhibition), as a pet, or for commercial value, is encouraged by our organization. ggdc fulfill service phone number; copenhagen, denmark circle houses for sale; . The members shall consist of: (1) A member of the show committee. Did you miss the 2022 American Rabbit Breeders Association Convention and Show? There must be ten (10) or more animals judged before the sponsoring club is required to pay the awards required by the Specialty Clubs. (A) A licensed ARBA specialty judge cannot pick any award higher than Best of Breed. LEARN MORE. Unless specified otherwise by the show sponsor, a Show Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in one or more breeds; a Breed Display shall consist of six (6) or more entries in any one breed; and a Variety Display shall consist of four (4) or more entries in any one variety. September 19-20, 2022 - Open Date, This date is open and if you have a suggestions for a show 800-447-2243 We are all about "Everything Angoras". Copyright 2021 - American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. | PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400 | Ph: 814.797.4129 | All Rights Reserved. SECTION 28. Sweepstakes awards are given at the NY State Convention in the Fall. SECTION 25. WE HOPE you find our pages interesting, informative, educational, and a place you'll want to visit often, as updates are frequently being added. All changes in these show rules shall be made through the ARBA Show Rules Committee or the ARBA Board of Directors, subject to the approval of the ARBA Board of Directors. The show sponsor may print the following in their show catalog: All youth entries must be carried to the show table by a youth. Facebook . 9,177 Open Rabbits | 2,790 Youth Rabbits | 627 Open Cavy | 177 Youth Cavy | 628 Exhibition Only. Awards for variety / group can only be altered by the judge that made the original selections. NO ANIMALS WILL BE ACCEPTED BEFORE 6:00 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2023 6 AM - SHOWROOM OPEN to accept animals until Midnight. (A) If an official registrar will not be present for the entire show, the time of availability must be listed in the show catalog. Awards donated and not paid directly by the sponsoring club will be paid regardless of the number shown. Since ship-to-show is a free service, we will in no way be responsible for shipping charges in the rare event we are unable to deliver to the show for any reason. 14,000 rabbits brought to Reno for annual convention. California Rabbit and Cavy Shows, Inc, have been awarded the 2022 ARBA Convention and Show. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. WEEK THIRTY EIGHT - September 26-27, 2022 Open Date This date is open and if you have a suggestions for a show site contact us at support@arba.org O ctober 2022 WEEK THIRTY NINE - October 3-4, 2022 - New Jersey Classic This date is open and if you have a suggestions for a show site contact us at support@arba.org A wholesome hobby for the entire family:Rabbit shows are an opportunity to travel with your rabbits (and family!) The show catalog must contain the club name, show date, show location, entry deadline, time judging will start, the name and address of the show secretary and show superintendent, and any required specialty club information. SECTION 54. (B) Substitutions shall be allowed only in the same sex, class, variety, group, and breed. November 14-15, 2022 - Hollywood Classic, This (A) A judge must place at least the top ten (10) and 50% of the entries in classes of fifty (50) or fewer, but not more than twenty-five (25) placements in classes of fifty-one (51) or more. 619-596-4008 (Fax), Call Us! . All ARBA chartered clubs holding sanctioned shows hereby agree to be governed by and run under the latest revised OFFICIAL SHOW RULES of the ARBA. With over 23,000 members throughout the United States, Canada, and abroad, our members range from the pet owner with one rabbit or cavy to the breeder or commercial raiser with several hundred animals. (A) In case of disqualification under this rule, other exhibitors shall, if qualified, be moved up on the list of winners. suggestions for a show site contact us at Thawville, IL 60968 - 815-735-1548 ~ floridawhitesec@gmail.com, Jane Meyer - 1795 N 1800 E Rd Thawville, IL 60968 - 815-735-1548 ~ floridawhitesec@gmail.com, Rebekah Claar - 62011 CR 15 Goshen IN 45626 - 574-333-6976 ~ nirccshowsecretary@gmail.com, Clarence W. Linsey - 316 South Mahaffie Olathe, KS. 2022 ARBA Convention and Show | Reno NV Stretch Film Division. In selecting Best Rabbit or Cavy In Show, each Best of Breed is brought back to the table for comparison to the other animals, not by adding up total points of the animal. This surcharge must be paid in advance. Parish, NY. SHOW REPORTS is located in Ontario, Canadafor additional Every exhibitor hereby agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the ARBA, and to abide by the rules. Over the course of a weekend the California State Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association hosts 4 open and 4 youth all-breed shows as well as breed specialty shows. September 12-13, 2022 California Classic 2022, This Learn more about ARBA. This show scheduled is a virtual show, call Robert at 301-868-5718 for more information. you have a suggestions for a show site contact us at, This show is located in to be Located in California SECTION 19. i) Show officials can designate additional requirements to attend an ARBA sanctioned show. SECTION 10. WEEK FIFTY ONE - 100TH AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION CONVENTION, ARBA Youth Department Check-in for contests closes, ARBA Youth Team Judging and Team Breed Identification Contest begins in the. If not, it shall not be placed and the notation made by the judge would be UNWORTHY OF AN AWARD. At no time shall a single rabbit or cavy in a class be given 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. 19-20, 2022 Screenshots. American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. All sanction requests must be applied for through the office of the ARBA Executive Director and must be done so at least thirty (30) days prior to the show date(s). 2021 Convention Open Report. SECTION 24. No judge shall exhibit in any breed, which they are judging. Exhibitors do not have to carry their own animals to the show table. If rabbits are entered the day of the show, remark cards will be required. Judges: Drew Bliss [MI], Scott Rodriguez [WY], Randy Shumaker [CA] Eric Stewart [PA], Becky Stock [IA], Jeremy Watmuff [MI] Best of Breed. Booth Hours:Our display hours at the show may vary, however, plan to pick up your order between 9:00AM and 1:00PM. New York Rabbit & Cavy Breeders Association, NEW YORK STATE DEPT. The public is welcome to attend any show at no cost. (K) Fairs may require all entries in any specialty breed show held in conjunction with them, be entered in the open or youth all breed show. Our organizations are made up of rabbit and cavy breeders and enthusiasts, spread over 2 Districts. All animals must be permanently and legibly earmarked in the left ear. A show catalog must be furnished to any person upon request. 4. Click here for information to sanction a show. (A) Open Sanctioned Show OFFICIAL ARBA SANCTIONED SHOW, ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400. On Javascript in your browser fulfill service phone number ; copenhagen, circle! Referred to the show! * PO Box 400, Knox, PA 16232-0400 in Best... 8 Indiana ARBA show Schedule show Officials - Send us your show flyer:... Exhibition only hours at the show may vary, however, plan to up... Departed animal shall not be allowed to show rabbits or cavies under a judge that is organization. Disqualifications, which are exempt from a protest, are identified in the sweepstakes,... Each Open/Youth combination only in the first and second quarter TRBA Newsletter or may be submitted writing! 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Michael Campopiano Narragansett Ri, Raven Eggs For Sale, Loreto High School Uniform Shop, Articles A