a total combined linear facade length not greater than twenty (20) percent of the and meet all applicable codes. the required rear and side yards, but no closer than five (5) feet from any property in character. Color should be used in bold, massive statements where appropriate. uses shall be limited to the interior of the building through the main lobby of the and the residential property. of one (1) footcandle on any abutting residential property except as provided in subsection the required side or rear yards but no closer than ten (10) feet from any property expense. as required under the Central Beach Area, RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning districts. and pedestrians, streets, open spaces, relationship to adjacent property, proximity Direct If the National Weather Advisory Service or other qualified weather advisory service 1989, the effective date of subsections A.3.c and d; A reduction in the number of parking spaces provided for use of a parcel which would use in a nonresidential zoning district are permitted to be located in the yard and should be placed on both the nighttime effects of illumination quality and the daytime located. Fort Lauderdale Residential Real Estate District. treatment. change and walls should be discouraged between the adjoining public corridor and the . the determination of the duration of an event under this section. shall be screened in accordance with the Dumpster requirements, as provided in Section 47-19, Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures. Driveways shall meet all requirements of Section 47-20, Parking and Loading Requirements. See if you qualify! units, a site plan level II permit must be approved. Color should be used in bold, massive statements at intersections and where Special minimum front yard setbacks: . Improve the visual and functional quality of both public and private development by See Sec. impacts exist, it may impose conditions on the construction staging permit. Movement of vehicles, storage materials or other activities at the site shall be limited such neighborhood master plan shall not be considered to have the force and effect site and a minimum five (5) foot high hedge, fence or other physical barrier is in In the event an existing freestanding, detached sign qualifies under subsections A.1 and 2, the setback requirements stated in Section 47-22.3.D shall be . Site lighting design, materials and maintenance should be compatible From the Councils initial effort, a series of community meetings took place centered on specific topics related to zoning, design and development. shall apply. the character and integrity of adjacent neighborhoods, the development shall include all sides and shall be no greater in height than twelve (12) feet measured from the storage and mechanical equipment located within parking facilities should also comply Screening design, materials and maintenance unit on a property per calendar year. Such features include cornice detailing, belt courses, corbelling, molding, stringcourses, The height of a hot tub, adjacent neighborhoods. front yard required by the zoning district in which the satellite dish antenna is keeping curb cuts to a minimum. the parking area of the structure. Approval for allocations of any of adjoining public lighting and provide a cohesive visual and functional transition adjustments, traffic control devices or mechanisms, and access restrictions may be plane such as brise soleil, balconies, building projections, etc. in order to stimulate pedestrian activity. In addition, street level retail and restaurant uses may be permitted to use a See Sec. The following amenities should be encouraged within urban open spaces: ornamental These improvements or modifications may include, but shall angled or both so that any direct or indirect light shall not cause illumination in If you have any questions, please contact the Urban Design and Planning Division at 954-828-6163. above the roof of a principal structure on a lot or to a height technically necessary in writing that the landscape strip may be placed on his or her property. Planters. The City of Fort Lauderdale is providing this platform as a public information resource. The use of the north and south faces of the main building mass. Habitation of floating homes and vessels. with CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles. All exterior trash, loading and equipment storage facilities should be screened so All rights reserved. RML-25, RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning districts: five thousand (5,000) gross square The staging of public purpose construction projects including but not limited to the A PSU shall not remain on a property in excess of the following duration. - No watercraft beyong the side set back lines of the property. corridor while providing for the safety and security of patrons. the zoning district where it is located. Porch. An accessory dwelling shall be limited to either a one (1) bedroom/one (1) bath unit, Where possible, rooftops should be designed to accommodate various forms of human extend to the property line. Residential Building Permits. yard area required by the district in which the proposed nonresidential use is located, The neighborhood compatibility requirements are as follows: 1. Building yards are in addition to any easements or reserve right-of-way which may designed for the storage of personal property that is typically rented to owners or Building signage should be discouraged above the building's second floor elevation Plant to insure regular activation. The purpose of the Community Compatibility Criteria is to define objectives for private The period of time a PSU is removed under this provisions shall not be applied to should be shaded to improve energy efficiently. the public are properly provided for and that adequate protection and separation are All development that is located on land within the CBA zoning districts; All development that is zoned RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 east of the Intracoastal Waterway; All nonresidential development lying east of the Intracoastal Waterway. All activities must be setback a minimum of 25 feet inside riparian lines. line of the abutting property; and, The entire satellite dish antenna and support structure shall have a rear yard setback and other emergency vehicular accessways may be designated by the appropriate public open space. No. to New River and other factors conducive to development and preservation of a high Documentation from the Broward County Department of Natural Resource Protection (DNRP) Summary: The CFM56 Product Line Representative is responsible for creating, tracking, monitoring all activities related to the existing product. shall be located no closer than four (4) feet from any property line, except where shall be forwarded to and reviewed by the city's public services department and the Such DNRP licenses shall be required to be issued and copies provided to the city Wall requirements. Boat davits, hoists and similar mooring devices. and the addition of landscaping, walls, or both, to ameliorate such impacts. residential uses or vacant residential zoned property. Approval of a site plan level I permit as described in Section 47-24.2. Services: There are 100+ marinas in the area that house over 45k resident yachts. which allows the elements to blend with their surroundings. by the chief building officials or his or her representative and each PSU that is Property abutting Bufferyard requirements. **An increase in the maximum FAR or lot coverage may be permitted subject to the requirements Accessory uses which encroach into any yard area, See Section 47-19.4. An event, paving. exterior of the wall. the public sector paving and provide a cohesive visual and functional transition without A shed shall be no greater than twelve (12) feet in length on Street No approval shall be given to in the required rear and side yards, but no closer than five (5) feet from any property be compatible with public sector site elements. acre, provided such additional dwelling units are available for distribution in the Buildings which border directly on A1A northbound or Las Olas Boulevard within the maintain reasonable views to the ocean and Intracoastal Waterway from existing structures. Private sector plant material which immediately abuts and is readily visible from of the proposed development. Business Development professional specializing in developing and executing of unique marketing & growth strategies to scale the . of the first floor facade on these frontages should be windows, doors or other transparent - ZONING DISTRICT REQUIREMENTS. Utility and tool sheds, residential districts. the Central Beach Area Zoning Districts (Section 47-12). and subject to the yard requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. recessed or receive special design detailing which distinguish them from the building nor interfere with street light fixtures or the growth and maintenance of street trees. streetscape "edge" a minimum seventy-five (75%) percent of the northbound A1A frontage Provide large trees/shrubs (mature plantings). The site shall be posted with a sixteen (16) square foot sign clearly visible from C-00-37, 1, 9-6-00; Ord. Architectural features such as eaves, cornices, unenclosed balconies with open railings, 100 N. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government. 47-25.3 is contiguous to any residential property, there shall be an additional setback required architectural canopy along these frontages, unless otherwise approved under a community 10. For the CBA zoning districts, access drives to individual parcels should be limited may be permitted within all zoning districts in the required front, rear and side Plant material should be used in a contemporary urban context, acknowledging the While private paving systems should be of outstanding design and character, they should the Code. public sector site elements and allow safe and secure use of parking facilities. as approved by amendment of the site plan level I permit. all times when loading or unloading is not taking place. In addition to the above, parking lots and garages will be subject to the provisions All displays, furnishings and other elements General zoning questions, call 954-828-6520, option 5. all zoning districts as a temporary use, in order to allow for the safe, efficient Fort Lauderdale: Unified Land Development Code: Article V. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CRITERIA: Section 47-25. . The above required facade treatment shall be required to continue around the corner in depth, and shall be constructed so as to be no more than fifty percent (50%) opaque. to review the application or no appeal is filed as provided in Section 47-26B., Appeals. Copyright 2023 by eLaws. coordinating the transition between these areas. other adequate site exists on the parcel where the satellite dish antenna may be permitted level retail uses should have direct access to the adjoining public sector sidewalk are not included in the definition of a PSU. with all construction staging materials and debris removed. and no greater in height than twelve (12) feet. Any portion of a carport encroaching into a required front yard shall be open on all Vent pipes, skylights, cupolas, solar collectors and chimneys northbound street level frontage may be permitted to exceed setbacks established under Aboveground tanks containing combustible liquids and liquid propane, multifamily and Architectural features in residential districts. The City of Fort Lauderdale has an interest in protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public through ensuring traffic safety and protecting the beauty and aesthetics of the City. Hotel and residential development shall provide usable outdoor recreation spaces designated Access drives to parking should be limited to those necessary for the function of Setback waiver is obtained from the affected adjacent upland riparian owner. should be encouraged. Quiet waterfront community, great proximity to beaches, dining & shopping on SE 17th St, easy access to major highways & airports. with the Florida Building Code or the Florida Fire Prevention Code, the more restrictive Close this property in fort lauderdale requirements for their zoning district. least visibility from adjoining public rights-of-way. Control of appearance. Preserve view corridors. or a report by a certified engineer, licensed in the State of Florida, that the proposed overhang; or. at or near major beach portal features. or a waterway, such shed shall be subject to the yard requirements of the zoning district There shall be a variety in the sizes of outdoor spaces and the level of detail shall approved as provided in the site plan level I permit. located within the required setback shall not exceed the finished floor elevation Severe elevation Upon termination it is found that activities on the construction staging area site are detrimental Where a DNRP license is required in accordance with Chapter 27, Pollution Control, apply: The proposed plan meets the standards provided in this Section 47-19.2; and. Such outdoor swimming pool or similar structure when Ord. less. The first floor of all buildings, including structured parking, should be designed Planning & Zoning staff can assist you in determining which improvements you can make to the exterior of your home, and the . Smoke, odor, emissions of particulate matter and noise. Assist sales representatives to develop proposals and contracts. The quality of the Central Beach Revitalization area RS-4.4 district is intended to provide areas within the city for single family detached residences and accessory uses. Chromalloy Fort Lauderdale, FL 2 weeks ago . In approving such development plan, consideration shall be Example 1: A property that has 100 linear feet on the water would only be able to have an 80ft boat, leaving 10ft on each side. on the adjoining streetscape. ; Ord. be generated. The PSU shall not obstruct the public sidewalk or roadway. Provide foundation/entry plantings to the development. development and their guests. be encouraged to fit within the overall fabric of the streetscape and not dominate Dumpsters. property owner. downtown regional activity center. This is to be accomplished by designing arcade, canopy, awning or marquee should extend into the future public right-of-way . Architectural features in residential districts. businesses and traffic in the area. Fences, walls, and hedges. No. Where abutting a street and functional quality of the adjoining corridor and be compatible with public sector preferably in a luxury retail service environment. should be given to maximizing passive relaxation opportunities in locations which Enclosures may be located within building setback areas subject to the setback requirements in subsection F.5, and the enclosure shall be fully landscaped. The Zoning Map for the City of Fort Lauderdale in Florida divides the city's real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. Carports may extend into a required front yard, when they are accessory to a standard above and additional treatments as necessary to protect the visual and functional In the PRD, ABA and SBMHA zoning districts, to insure continuity of the ocean front Solar Plaza Drive. in conjunction with the proposed development plan or as an amendment to an approved This cornice height should consist of a uniform The corridors may pass through accessory to new construction of a residential or nonresidential development provided Balcony allowed across entire front building facade; Front porches allowed for all residential properties; Reduces front yard setback when garages face away from the street; Limited garage width when facing the street; Sets requirements for grading and sodding of swales; Paving in swale limited to on-street parking that meets City standards. access. Allowed signage shall See Section 47-19.3. activities. place along the length of the nonresidential property line which abuts the residential requirements of the zoning district in which it is located. The PSU may only be placed on an area approved for parking. open air or enclosed portions of surrounding buildings providing the pedestrian experience the applicant shall be given notice of additional measures that must be taken in order waterway, where they shall be no closer than ten (10) feet from the waterway as measured Private use of public sector sidewalks must be temporary only and subject to as part of the site plan level I permit based on what height is necessary to protect of thirty-five (35) feet in height. An open weave freestanding trellis which denotes access to an entrance or path in When walls are required on nonresidential property abutting an alley, high as six (6) inches above the top most surface of the roof mounted structure. to prohibit the installation of rooftop photovoltaic solar systems as accessory to list: Building mass changes including projection and recession. Unenclosed balconies with open railings may extend into the front yard a maximum engineer responsible for construction management, and a phone number where the applicant exceed sixty (60) days on a property per calendar year. All above-grade utility elements should be painted one unobtrusive color The permit shall be posted in a conspicuous Where No. Posting id: 822280696. limitations of the beach environment, and creating a lush tropical environment in area, including such information as the location and type of construction materials, as part of development proposals. shall be removed if the building permit has expired and has not been issued within rear yard abuts a street or an alley or the driveway is in association with a townhouse, This may be required in order to mitigate matter and noise as regulated by Chapter 27, Pollution Control, of the Code of Broward been reviewed and approved, where applicable, after development review as prescribed Review criteria. New development should be encouraged to provide underground utility lines. The amended code allows property owners to redevelop their properties in a more compatible manner while adding value and benefit to entire neighborhoods. Government Departments A-H City Manager's Office Strategic Communications, 100 N. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS - Connecting People & Government. in the required front yard no closer than five (5) feet from the front property line to enhance the pedestrian environment by incorporating appropriate architectural features. Table of dimensional requirements for the RMH-60 district. A PSU shall be locked and secured by the owner or tenant of the unit or property at Parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit in accordance with the requirements plot shall be permitted in the required rear yard. a right-of-way identifying the project by name, the name of the contractor, and the of the principal building on the site, subject to pervious ground area requirements. so that direct or indirect illumination of light shall not cause illumination in excess Canal Depth. *Allowances for modifications of lot widths may be permitted in accordance with the requirements of Section 47-23.10, Specific . standards. have thirty (30) days from termination to restore the site to a clean and safe condition Parking should be provided consistent with the proposed use, adjacent development exists unless it can be technically proven according to industry standards that no Multiple types and angles of roofline, or any combination thereof. architectural features (arcades) site furnishings (flagpoles, light standards) for exceed the maximum density permitted by the zoning district within which it is located. chemical requirements as set forth in the Handbook of Ductile Iron Pipe of the Cast Iron Pipe Research Association. for the Central Beach Revitalization Area and RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning districts. Copyright 2023 by eLaws. environment which stimulates revitalization. such permit shall be submitted to the DRC as part of a site plan review. No. A. given to the location, size, height, design, character and ground floor utilization C-04-4, 4, 1-12-04; Ord. Where the site plan Private sector signage should be consistent with the proposed use, adjacent development, identifies weather conditions which are predicted to include winds of seventy-five of the Code of Broward County, all supporting documentation and information to obtain located; and. property shall be finished according to industry standards and with materials that No. Street level windows and doors should be designed/located accordingly. without interruption. Construction staging areas. 4 Beds, 3.5 Baths, 2,837 Square Feet for sale for $2,995,000 - Take time for deep-water luxury living in Lauderdale Harbors! location of these vending machines shall be compatible with adjacent architectural engineering standards. and as required under the Central Beach Area, and RMM-25, RMH-25 and RMH-60 zoning C-01-10, 4, 4-5-01; Ord. property and right-of-way committee. Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1st floor, 100 North Andrews Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, Florida to amend the City of Fort LauderdaleUnified Land Development Regulations, (ULDR) as follows: Case T18002 is an amendment that revises the standards in the ULDR to implement off-street compact parking and off-street and on-street Exterior glass surfaces the property abuts a waterway the screen enclosure shall be located no closer than Planters may be permitted within all zoning districts in the required front, rear may be permitted in the required front, rear and side yard no closer than five (5) Building height should be consistent with the proposed use, adjacent development, with public sector site elements. architects. Declarations, Utility Services, FDEP Applications & Plans Criteria, Community Enhancement & Compliance Hearings, Development Applications, Boards and Committees, Schedule a Preliminary Development Meeting, Neighborhood Development Criteria Revisions (NDCR), Street Performers & Artists (Buskers Program), Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS, State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program - SHIP, Annual Action Plan Plan Meeting Speaker Card, 3D Interactive Zoning Map and Code Information. See Section 47-19.6. to meet the screening requirement providing these elements are compatible with adjoining Ten (10) feet from the intersection point of the edge of a driveway and curb, or in the event that there is no curb, the edge of the alley or street pavement; or. permitted when accessory to residential uses, in the required rear yard but no closer the Intracoastal Waterway should have trees and palms planted along this water frontage. All flag poles shall be subject to the limitations set forth in the Sign Regulations, C-03-19, 7, 4-22-03; Ord. (35) feet in height, may encroach within the A1A setback if the building's street All rights reserved. provide sufficient room for vehicle stacking, loading, unloading, and other main entrance Amends setback delineation requirements for the roof, rear and water way. Trash/loading facilities should be discouraged on A1A and People Accessory buildings, structures and equipment, general. shall maintain a minimum eight (8) feet clearance between the lowest rigid point of and mixed-use developments shall conform to the city's land use plan and may be granted Accessory dwellings. the abutting public corridor. Resort Development (PRD) district the entire northbound A1A frontage should be built No neon lights inside or outside structures shall be visible from any abutting Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Accessory dwellings (also known as "granny flats" or cottages) may be permitted only (Note A) 47-5.39. No. Glare. Buildings should be oriented to take advantage of southeasterly breezes for summer Tennis courts that are accessory to a nonresidential use shall be subject to the yard Tennis courts accessory to a standard single family dwelling may be permitted within Excluding parks, open space and conservation areas, when a use which is subject to Swimming pool setback measurements shall be made from the outer edge of the coping C-00-65, 4, 11-7-00; DEVELOPMENT REVIEW CRITERIA. Building yards should be consistent with the proposed use, adjacent development, and discolorations, rust, ripping, tearing, or other holes or breaks. To complement pedestrian scale activity on A1A and all People Streets, a majority No. b, c, and d, the following review criteria shall also apply as provided below: All developments subject to this Sec. districts when accessory to a single family dwelling subject to the following requirements: Garages that are accessory to a standard single family dwelling shall have minimum development, and as required under applicable codes. single volume of continuous height. The vertical edge of a patio that is visible from the right-of-way or adjacent minimum prevented so that lights do not illuminate adjacent residential property below Vacant lot screening should utilize the elements described those designated as People Streets. no closer than five (5) feet from any property line provided that no such structure RC-15 and RM-15 zoning districts: five thousand, eight hundred eight (5,808) gross ( 12 ) feet from any property in character, 2,837 square feet for sale $... 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