For more information, visitSeasons and Bag Limits. Would my mountain ridge be declared 'Critical Habitat' for the puma? This is not a Pennsylvania puma! I'll be anxious to learn of your report. I got my start in education as a teacher, working with students in grades K-12. Why should I care about trapping? The Pennsylvania Game Commission updated the Pennsylvania Automated Licensing System in early 2021 which provides hunters with more convenient and efficient ways to apply for an receive hunting licenses. The Pennsylvania Game Commissions Operation Game Thief program serves to protect wild birds and wild mammals and encourages those who have information related to wildlife crimes to report details as soon as possible. Bone out the meat from your animal; 3. Who can I call with additional Hunter-Trapper Education and/or mentored hunter questions? How do I submit a Right-to-Know request? Why is it bad to feed wild birds and wild mammals? So how or why could there be a conspiracy? I don't want to seem like a nut case here, but I must ask this question and you'll soon understand why? Click here for more information. However, many of my reports were at distances that people knew, and as you look at the images of the puma there really is a big difference in color and shape between a puma and a house cat. Animal welfare is important not only to the public, but to wildlife managers and trappers alike, and will continue to be a critical component of trapping in Pennsylvania. // February 12, 2021 Many believe mountain lions still exist in Pennsylvania. We ended up using the 18-inch mark for comparison, as it was pretty much spot-on. Trappers assist biologists by providing important biological samples that inform managers on the health of the population. Let me explain this. In Yellowstone, definite puma country (perhaps not ideal habitat, but pumas are found in every section of Yellowstone), I've spoken to guys on road crews and with rangers, each with 20 years of field or road experience in Yellowstone, and the ranger had only seen 2 (both road kills and together) and the road crew guys two or three in all their years. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is seeking knowledgeable and experienced individuals to pass on the tradition and teach both basic and advanced hunter education training programs. What happens on the day of the burn? How can I help to prevent negative human-bear interactions on my property? Many of those making the reports generally . I'm wondering, then, if the complete dismissal of sightings of Eastern pumas (other than the acknowledgement of released or escaped pets) isn't motivated by economics. Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. There is also a drop of 7 inches from the top step to the ground/grass outside. Which College Is Ranked 1 On The 20 Best College Campuses List? Students must be at least 11 years old to enroll in a class. Let me explain this. I think it is possible that recognizing the existence of pumas in the East could jeopardize this industry and an entire economy. Each year, over tha past five, I've spoken with at least one person who swears they personally saw a puma in this state. With the Great Lakes in its way, the cat moved either north or south of the water, and the latter route would have seen it pass through at least some of Pennsylvania. So what? Over the last two years I have occasionally posted a Question of the Month soliciting sightings from people who believed that they have seen a mountain lion in Pennsylvania or in other areas in the mid-Atlantic states. To learn more about this action, and for an update on the status of turkey management in the Commonwealth, please review the wild turkey biologist's January 2021 report to the board. Hunters and trappers buying licenses online will continue to be mailed all durable-stock license panels, including harvest tags, and will also be given access to eLicenses. The gobbler population in a given area is directly related to the reproductive success of hens in the population. I can't dismiss the eye-witnesses I've interviewed. Is it illegal to feed elk? A dark brown puma, backlighted by a strong sun, could appear all black, or very dark, and he accepted that. These birds are a tangible product for hunting license buyers. This one streaked across the road in the early evening, and fortunately, it stopped when it climbed a hill on the other side where I had another view from my side of the truck. The sightings were great bear views, but too fast or fleeting to allow me to grab a camera. Most of my original Questions of the Month for the last several In 2020, more than 6,000 migratory game birds, including more than 5,000 waterfowl, were banded in Pennsylvania. When wildlife is encouraged to come closer to humans they often lose their natural fear of people. What would account for the long tails? License buyers must first successfully complete a Hunter-Trapper Education Course. The abundance of wildlife that thrives in Pennsylvania makes sightings of interesting animals fairly commonplacebears, foxes, coywolves and elk are. Rarely seen but surprisingly numerous, the bobcat (Lynx rufus) prowls most of Pennsylvania's woods throughout much of the state. Is wildlife harmed by prescribed fire? Remember, this one was photographed in Arizona in good puma country, although this was the first one I've recorded there. Eating African lion meat is unusual around the worldincluding on the predators home continent, where the meat is not considered palatable, Hunter said. Once hunted to extinction, Pennsylvanias resurgent elk herd now numbers 1,400. CWD was first found in Pennsylvania in captive deer in October of 2012, and in wild, free-ranging whitetails collected during the 2012 firearms season. The crew is briefed on the burn plan and forecasted weather conditions. What is a prescribed fire? When encountering young wildlife, be it deer, birds, rabbits or other animals, the Game Commission urges Pennsylvanians to resist the urge to interfere with young wildlife or remove any wild animal from its natural setting, for the protection of humans and wildlife. One of these days, though, I'll get one that won't be, and I hope that will be soon. Click here to learn more about our agency and its history. Are there Mountain Lions in Pennsylvania? Although there was no evidence that the 2011 mountain lion ever set foot in Pennsylvania, DNA evidence confirmed that it had been both west and east of the state. If I scaled Mace up to the filmed cats minimum shoulder height of 18 inches, it suggests a body weight of just over 50 pounds. . However, bear are present all across the state. They cover large areas of the state; in fact, many counties have only one game warden assigned. Photos submitted as mountain lions are typically feral housecats. Many of the reports I receive are extremely credible. The cat mustve been after the deer that regularly invade my yard at night, usually to eat my neighbors arborvitae trees and my holly bushes.*. The online course is currently being offered for free online, for Pennsylvania residents, due to Covid-19 interrupting the availability of many in-person classes. Animals like coyotes and black bears can become a potential threat and cause harm to both humans and pets. Do lots of hens mean fewer gobblers? But they are less shy of pets and livestock, and they don't necessarily stay in the woods, either. Can you shoot a mountain lion if it attacks you? Mountain lions weigh 90-160 pounds, while bobcats weigh 20-30 pounds. Where can I see the Game Commissions CWD surveillance results? How do I report my bobcat or fisher harvest(s)? After enhancing a few frames, however, I was able to deduce that it was, indeed, a large feline of some kind. They were the size of small ponies, I kid you not, and had to be either mule deer or a small group of female elk. If it was just a house cat, it would be obvious. The Pennsylvania Game Commission is always open to review evidence, but to date only hoaxes have crossed the PGC. Other crew members are assigned to monitor the weather and smoke conditions throughout the day to ensure the fire stays within its prescription and is achieving the desired ecological effects. Which Penn State Campus Is Best For Criminal Justice? The commission still needs to submit a management plan, due this June, gain approval and mount a public education campaign before the first marten steps on Pennsylvania soil. Although mourning doves are considered a migratory game bird species, many of the doves we have in Pennsylvania reside here throughout the winter and provide an excellent opportunity late into the season. Imagination? How is the Pennsylvania Game Commission organized? Of course, bobcats are proportionately a bit taller than a cougar or house cat, and if it is a bobcat my weight estimate could be off. As many as 1,300 elk freely roam across 3,000 square miles in the northcentral region of the state. When was CWD detected in Pennsylvania? However, that said, this past winter we did have a very large bobcat attempt to take a deer behind the house. Junior hunters, ages 14-15, must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older. Mountain lions are large, tan cats. Running may stimulate a mountain lions instinct to chase. If Sundays were added to the legal waterfowl seasons, Pennsylvania waterfowl hunters would actually lose hunting opportunities. How many elk are there in Pennsylvania? See also: Is the Pennsylvania Game Commission funded by tax dollars? Who manages Pennsylvanias state game lands system? Smoke will be visible during the burn and might be seen for many miles. I've know of reports since 1973, in Cooke Forest, the heart of a lot of Pa. wilderness. The population declined significantly and experienced a near total reproductive failure in 2018. Had this been faked, I'd suspect the hoaxter would try for a more authentic background. What should I do if I encounter young wildlife? More about mountain lions in Pennsylvania: If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. The question that remains is: if it was a house cat or cougar, how big would it be? Isnt trapping just a few folks each year trying to make money from pelts? It is legal to use trail cameras on state game lands. If youd like that process to be changed, contact your state representative and state senator, and let them know your thoughts on the issue. Unfortunately, at times, our wardens are not able to respond to every incident and they must use their best judgement on which calls to respond to first. In 2011, the U.S. And how many would let them go, or provide an opportunity for escaping? A sample permission slip is available on page 4 of the 2022-23 Hunting and Trapping Digest. How do I deal with shaving weight for carrying my gear? CWD has since spread from those initial detection sites over a larger geographic area. And a quiet, snowy covert makes a grouse flush all-the-more dramatic. How do I report my deer or turkey harvest(s)? Its a matter of perspective. I've spoken to PGC personnel, two being friends, and neither believe there are pumas in Pa. One cited how a bobcat's tail can be much longer than you expect, although I've never seen a bobcat tail longer than, at most, twice the size of the tails illustrated above of the bobcat. Additionally, in Pennsylvanias Disease Management Areas, hunters who wish to have their deer tested for Chronic Wasting Disease must place the head of their deer with the harvest tag attached to the head to place it in the head collection bin. Many of the reports I receive are extremely credible. Why not close pheasant hunting the day birds are stocked? I've worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and I love helping them unlock their full potential. A map of these managed dove fields is available online. "Even if the habitat model is showing suitability, it's really so many other things that need to be considered such as impacts to other species, impacts to humans, social acceptance and future management.". One man sent me a game camera photo that was blurry but looked like a mountain lion, or puma, as I like to call them. Gobblers harvested during the spring season do not impact the overall turkey population because the males we harvest are taken after peak breeding and when over half of the hens have begun incubating eggs. Those interested in submitting their thoughts and opinions on an issue related to hunting and wildlife in the state are encouraged to email the agency at Eastern mountain lions lived in central Pennsylvania until the late 1800s, according to Foster. I have received about two dozen reports during that time, including one game camera image that still looks very credible to me. This information is crucial to the successful management of migratory birds. No wild cougars have been found in Pennsylvania since their extirpation in 1871. Instead, the person usually pauses, sometimes with a sheepish or embarrassed expression on his face, and seems reluctant to continue. However, mountain lion sightings in Pennsylvania are still being reported. However, evidence of attempt to tag would be harder to prove if the tag was placed around the antler. There have been no confirmed reports of mountain lions, AKA Puma concolor, in Pennsylvania since the late 1800s. That smacks of mountain lion behavior pun intended. The head of the puma is small in comparision to a house cat when compared to the entire body. Check out the Elk Viewing Guide and Elk Scenic Drive Map from the Pennsylvania Great Outdoors Visitors Bureau. Mountain Lion / Cougar sighting in Pennsylvania - October 2019 (Part 2) Flatsquatch Productions 1.8K subscribers Subscribe 4.7K views 3 years ago Scott describes his mountain lion /.
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